Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where is the time going?!

I can't believe it's already been a month since I last blogged. Man, it's going to be hard to get used to this. Well, the big news is that we finished the bathroom. Clark loves taking baths. No more baths in the sink. Of course, he's walking before taking his first bath in the tub so he doesn't sit the whole time, he just walks back and forth, being busy with the toys and faucet. He is quite active, and usually hits his head pretty hard a few times a day. He loves to push cars and make car sounds around the house. He's been throwing things away that are NOT trash and loves to get into the bathroom any chance he gets.
Clark has never really been a hard one to get to sleep at night. He's been sleeping through the night since 2 months, which now I realize is awesome! Once in a while he'll have his nights where he wakes up randomly, but usually it is related to being sick or teething. He used to go to sleep easy with me right after nursing. But lately, he won't. I'll put him in his crib and he'll still be up, usually crying. So lately, after his bath, Tristan will feed him, read him a book, get him his blanket and sing to him and POW, he's out. No fussing or anything. Tristan's pretty proud and keeps saying, "he likes his Daddy to put him to sleep:)" or "sometimes a boy needs his Daddy." I think he likes this new ritual. Haha And that is perfectly okay with me!
Clark still says Mamama and Dadadada all the time. He says Mamamma really loud and often whispers Dadadada. Not sure why. It's pretty cute though. He also says baaaaa and neh. I think his first word besides those listed is "okay"! And he knows the sign for "all done". Clark still loves his johnny jumper and uses it every day. He is one bouncing baby!
Clark and church do not mix well right now. Actually, Clark, church and I do not mix well. We basically hang out in the halls. He absolutely will not sit and he runs down the aisle as soon as he wrestles out of my arms (Tristan leads the music, so no long legs to block him from getting out). I can hear everyone laughing quietly as I chase him, so, we hang out in the lobby. He loves to run to the stairs especially and loves to find other babies in carseats and rock them vigorously. He also loves to get into everyone's purses and is good at giving me a heart attack when I think he is about to snag another woman's pantyhose. I'm exhausted by the end of church. And then we have choir practice...he hated it as a baby in our other ward. He always cried...but now that he's older he'll walk up and down the seats between everyone. He'll fall occasionally and Br. Walker would say, "it's okay, he didn't damage the bannister" or something to that affect.
At work I've been going to lots of deliveries. It's a change of pace compared to the bedside nursing. I enjoy it and the time actually goes faster when I'm up and about and the stress level is so much higher. Next I train to be charge nurse. Not sure how I will like that but we'll see. Once I get trained as charge and am comfortable, I plan to start studying to get my RNC and maybe even become a lactation specialist. I don't plan on finishing my Masters any time soon, maybe in 10 years?
Tristan is always working on a long list of house and car projects. He is hoping to get lots done this month. He got a new catalytic converter in his white car and got the smog checked. Now he is working on getting his truck back in comission. It's been on hold since he's been working on the guest bath. His project in Santa Cruz is almost finished, he's taking some time off this month but still pops into work a couple times a week. We think he could be stationed at a project at Foothill College next. He just got called to teach the 14-18 year olds at church. He wants to make them cookies but didn't last week cuz it was fast Sunday.
Together we are working with the Bells to put together the ward Christmas party. I'm thinking its going to be awesome, especially since my DAD is going to be St. Nick. Crazy, huh?
I'm definitely going to get some pics! Hahaha

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow! You guys are soooo busy! What a fun life though - congrats on being a charge nurse and working with deliveries! You'll have to tell me all about that! Miss youuuu!! Love, Lilli
